This Access Excel VBA tutorial demonstrates how to generate random HKID / Hong Kong ID card number.
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Access Excel Function HKID Check Digit (last digit)
Excel VBA Rnd Function to generate random number
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Access Excel Generate random HKID (Hong Kong ID card number)
The purpose of this article is to generate a random HKID (Hong Kong ID card number) that has valid Check Digit (last digit in brackets) for use in system testing.
In another article, I will make use of some previous custom Function I wrote, that include how to check last digit of HKID and how to generate random number / letter.
VBA Code – Access Excel Generate random HKID (Hong Kong ID card number)
The below Function generates single letter random HKID, such as A123456(7). (There are double letter HKID)
I can only guarantee to generate a random HKID of valid Check Digit, but I can’t find a source of credibility that lists the rules for the first letter and there seem to be exceptional cases.
Without such information, I can only assume HKID first letter can be anything between A to Z.
Public Function wRandomHKID()
randomLetter = Chr(Int((90 - 65 + 1) * Rnd + 65))
randomNumber1 = Int((9 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0)
randomNumber2 = Int((9 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0)
randomNumber3 = Int((9 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0)
randomNumber4 = Int((9 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0)
randomNumber5 = Int((9 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0)
randomNumber6 = Int((9 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0)
IDnoDigit = randomLetter & randomNumber1 & randomNumber2 & randomNumber3 & randomNumber4 & randomNumber5 & randomNumber6
checkSum = (Asc(randomLetter) - 64) * 8 + randomNumber1 * 7 + randomNumber2 * 6 + randomNumber3 * 5 + randomNumber4 * 4 + randomNumber5 * 3 + randomNumber6 * 2
checkDigit = 11 - checkSum Mod 11
If checkDigit = 10 Then
newCheckdigit = "A"
ElseIf checkDigit = 11 Then
newCheckdigit = "0"
Else: newCheckdigit = checkDigit
End If
wRandomHKID = IDnoDigit & newCheckdigit
End Function
Function Syntax – Access Excel Generate random HKID (Hong Kong ID card number)
The Function is simple to use, no argument is required. Just type the following to generate a random HKID.
Outbound References
Access Excel Generate random HKID Hong Kong ID card number